Notes of my Lotus Notes Headline Animator

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Notes document to HTML Excel sheet - Exporting data - web form

Code for exporting data from notes documents to an excel sheet and show it in html form of excel sheet:

Sub Initialize
 On Error Goto GenErr
 Print  "content-type: Application/msexcel"
 Print  "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=Report1.xls"
 Print "<html>"
 Print "<table border=0>"
 Print "<tr><td colspan=5><center>"
 Print "<b><span id='RptHead'> Report For Test</span></b>"
 Print "</center></td></tr>"
 Print "</table>"

 Dim LOSession As New NotesSession
 Dim LOVw As NotesView
 Dim LODb As NotesDatabase
 Dim LODoc As notesdocument
 Dim LTDate As String
 Dim LVNo As Variant
 Set LODoc = LOSession.DocumentContext

 Set LODb=LOSession.CurrentDatabase
 Set LOVw = LODb.GetView( "vwExcel" )
 Set LODoc = LOVw.GetFirstDocument

 Print "<table border=2 bordercolor=Black>"
 Print "<tr>"
 Print "<td>Sl No </td>"
 Print "<td> Initiators</td>"
 Print "<td>KLID </td>"
 Print "<td>SBU </td>"

 Print "<td>Project Short Name </td>"
 Print "<td>Product Group </td>"
 Print "<td>Product </td>"
 Print "<td>Function </td>"
 Print "<td>LOB </td>"
 Print "<td>Rating by Experts </td>"
 Print "<td>Project Manager </td>"
 Print "<td>Proposal Manager </td>"

 Print "<td>Process Area </td>"
 Print "<td>Process Item </td>"
 Print "<td>Key Learning Title</td>"
 Print "<td>Problem Description </td>"
 Print "<td>Analysis </td>"
 Print "<td>Solution Adopted </td>"
 Print "<td>Learnings </td>"
 Print "<td>Implication </td>"
 Print "<td>DO's  List</td>"
 Print "<td>DONOT's List </td>"
 Print "<td>References </td>"

 Print "<td>Approver </td>"
 Print "<td>Comments </td>"

 Print "</tr>"
 Print "<tr>"
 Print "</tr>"

 While Not ( LODoc Is Nothing )
  Print "<tr>"
  Dim LVTemp As Variant
  Print "<td>" & j &"</td>"
  For  i=0 To 23
   'LVTemp =  LODoc.ColumnValues( i )
   'Msgbox LVTemp
   'Print "<td>" & LVTemp & "</td>"
   Print "<td>" & LODoc.ColumnValues( i ) & "</td>"
  Print "</tr>"
  Set  LODoc = LOVw.GetNextDocument(  LODoc )

 Print "</table>"
 Exit Sub
 Msgbox "Error on SaveKtips agent , Error On line " & Erl & " Error is " & Error & " Err is " & Err
 Exit Sub

End Sub

Notes document to Excel sheet - Exporting data - client form

Code for exporting data from notes documents to an excel sheet:

Sub Initialize
 Dim ws As New Notesuiworkspace
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim view As NotesView
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim doc As notesdocument
 Dim psno,mth,yr,filename As String

 Set db=session.CurrentDatabase
 Set view = db.GetView( "Vashi_emp" )
 Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument

 CreateExcelObject = True
 Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
 If xlApp Is Nothing Then
  sMessage = "Could not create spreadsheet." & Chr$( 10 ) & _
  "Make sure Excel is installed on this computer."
  Msgbox sMessage, 16, "Creation of Spreadsheet Object Failed"
  CreateExcelObject = False

 End If
 xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
 Set xlworkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
 Set xlSheet=xlworkbook.ActiveSheet

 xlapp.visible = True
 Title = " Attendance Report"
 col = 1

 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 Print row
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 Print col
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"

 grow  = row+3
 Print grow
 row = grow
 col = 1

 While Not ( doc Is Nothing )

  Dim currentProduct As Variant
  For  i=0 To 8
   currentProduct = doc.ColumnValues( i )
  Set doc = view.GetNextDocument( doc )

End Sub

Excel sheet to notes Document - Importing Data

Importing excel sheet information into individual documents in LN client application:

Sub Initialize

Dim xlFilename As String
'xlFilename = "C:\Documents and Settings\ggouda\My Documents\EMP_WRS_DETAIL.xls"

'// This is the name of the Excel file that will be imported

xlFilename=Inputbox("Please enter path of the spreadsheet - Example: C:\Excel.xls" & Chr(10) &_
" C:\spreadsheet.xls", "File Path Inquiry Box", " enter path here ....")

Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set doc = New NotesDocument(db)
Dim One As String

Dim row As Integer
Dim written As Integer

'// Connect to Excel and open the file. Start pulling over the records.
Dim Excel As Variant
Dim xlWorkbook As Variant
Dim xlSheet As Variant
Print "Connecting to Excel..."
Set Excel = CreateObject( "Excel.Application.9" )
Excel.Visible = False '// Don't display the Excel window
Print "Opening " & xlFilename & "..."
Excel.Workbooks.Open xlFilename '// Open the Excel file
Set xlWorkbook = Excel.ActiveWorkbook
Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.ActiveSheet

'// Cycle through the rows of the Excel file, pulling the data over to Notes
Goto Records
Print "Disconnecting from Excel..."
xlWorkbook.Close False '// Close the Excel file without saving (we made no changes)
Excel.Quit '// Close Excel
Set Excel = Nothing '// Free the memory
Print " " '// Clear the status line

row = 1 '// Integers intialize to zero
written = 0

Print "Starting import from Excel file..."
Do While True

With xlSheet
row = row + 1
Set view = db.GetView("Import")
Set doc = db.CreateDocument '// Create a new doc
doc.Form = "Person"

doc.Employee_ID = .Cells( row, 1 ).Value
doc.Prj_Cost_Centre= .Cells(row, 2 ).Value
doc.WRS_Number= .Cells(row, 3).Value
doc.Proj_Title = .Cells( row, 4 ).Value
doc.Project_Location = .Cells(row, 7).Value
doc.Dispatcher = .Cells( row, 8).Value
doc.Project_manager = .Cells(row, 9).Value
doc.Wk_Ending = .Cells( row, 10).Value
doc.Employee_DOJ = .Cells( row, 11).Value
doc.Employee_Name = .Cells( row, 12).Value
doc.Employee_Role = .Cells( row, 13).Value
doc.ST_Hrs = .Cells( row, 14).Value
doc.OT_Hrs = .Cells( row, 15).Value
doc.Total_Hrs = .Cells( row, 16).Value
doc.Misc_Exp = .Cells( row, 17).Value
doc.Travel = .Cells( row, 18).Value
doc.Total_Bill = .Cells( row, 19).Value

Call doc.Save( True, True ) '// Save the new doc
written = written + 1
Print Str(written)
If .Cells( row, 1 ).Value = "" Then
Goto Done
End If
End With

Messagebox "Import Complete - Total number of WRS documents imported ---> " & written

End Sub

To get the html code of an excel sheet

Let's say you have an excel sheet provided to you by your lead and he wants you to get similar look and feel using html code in your web application.

Here's a shortcut to get the html code of an excel sheet:

The OLE/COM commands which you will be utilizing are available in the version of Excel you are using.

Hit alt + shift + F11 key to pull up the Microsoft Script Editor and then Ctrl+Alt+J to bring up the Object Browser, this is the cheap way to find out what is available for you to code with.

Function to catch Enter key press

Function to Catch Enter Key press and accordingly perform the required task:

function catchEnter(){
        if(window.event.keyCode == 13){

Validation date and number through regular expression

Validation of number through regular expression:

function validateNumber( f ) {
        var regex = new RegExp();
        //regex = /^\d+$/;
        regex = /(^-?\d\d*\.\d*$)|(^-?\d\d*$)|(^-?\.\d\d*$)/
        if ( regex.test( f.value ) ) {
        } else {
                alert("Please enter a number value");
                f.value = "";

Validation of date through regular expression:

function CheckDate(dateV)
        var dateStr = dateV.value;
        if(dateStr=="tbd" || dateStr=="TBD"){
        isValidDate(dateV, dateStr);

function isValidDate(dateV, dateStr)
        var datePat = /^(\d{1,2})(\/|-)(\d{1,2})\2(\d{2}|\d{4})$/;
        var matchArray = dateStr.match(datePat);  
        if (matchArray == null) {
                alert("Date is not in a valid format.")
        month = matchArray[1]; // parse date into variables
        day = matchArray[3];
        year = matchArray[4];
        if (month < 1 || month > 12) {  
                alert("Month must be between 1 and 12.");
        if (day < 1 || day > 31) {
                        alert("Day must be between 1 and 31.");
        if ((month==4 || month==6 || month==9 || month==11) && day==31) {
                alert("Month "+month+" doesn't have 31 days!");
        if (month == 2) {
                var isleap = (year % 4 == 0 && (year % 100 != 0 || year % 400 == 0));
                if (day>29 || (day==29 && !isleap)) {
                        alert("February " + year + " doesn't have " + day + " days!");
                        return false;

Extracting attachments from web application

Here's a code for extracting attachments/files from documents in LN web application:

Sub Initialize
        On Error Goto errhandle
        Dim session As New NotesSession
        Dim db As notesdatabase
        Dim view As NotesView
        Dim doc As NotesDocument
        Dim object As NotesEmbeddedObject
        Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
        Dim currentResponse As NotesDocument
        Dim tempDirectory, actualDir As String
        Dim nameAtt, result As Variant
        Dim numAtt, count As Integer
'       tempDirectory="O:\\CITC\\ECAS\\GRCE\\"
        Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
        Set view = db.GetView("KBByCategory1")
        numAtt = 0
        cnt = 0
        Dim myNames() As String
        Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
        While Not (doc Is Nothing)
                result = Evaluate("@Attachments", doc)
                nameAtt = Evaluate("@AttachmentNames", doc)
                numAtt = result(0)
                If numAtt > 0 Then
                        For i=0 To numAtt-1 Step 1
                                If nameAtt(0) <> "" Then
                                        Set object = doc.GetAttachment( nameAtt( i ) )
                                        indx = 0
                                        flag = "no"
                                        For k = 1 To cnt Step 1
                                                If nameAtt( i ) = myNames( k ) Then
                                                        indx = indx + 1
                                                        flag = "yes"
                                                End If
                                        If flag = "yes" Then
                                                filename = Left$(nameAtt( i ),Len(nameAtt( i ))-4) + "_" + indx +       Right$(nameAtt( i ), 4)                                                                                                                                        
                                                filename = nameAtt( i )
                                        End If
                                        actualDir = tempDirectory & filename
                                        Call object.ExtractFile(actualDir)
                                        count = count + 1
                                End If
                End If
                If numAtt > 0 Then             
                        Redim Preserve myNames(cnt+numAtt)
                        For j = 1 To numAtt
                                myNames(cnt + j) = nameAtt( j - 1  )
                        cnt = cnt + numAtt
                End If
                '------------------------------- Response ------------------
                Set collection = doc.Responses
                Set currentResponse = collection.GetFirstDocument
                While Not ( currentResponse Is Nothing )
                        result = Evaluate("@Attachments", currentResponse)
                        nameAtt = Evaluate("@AttachmentNames", currentResponse)
                        numAtt = result(0)
                        If numAtt > 0 Then
                                For i=0 To numAtt-1 Step 1
                                        If nameAtt(0) <> "" Then
                                                Set object = currentResponse.GetAttachment( nameAtt( i ) )
                                                indx = 0
                                                flag = "no"
                                                For k = 1 To cnt Step 1
                                                        If nameAtt( i ) = myNames( k ) Then
                                                                indx = indx + 1
                                                                flag = "yes"
                                                        End If
                                                If flag = "yes" Then
                                                        filename = Left$(nameAtt( i ),Len(nameAtt( i ))-4) + "_" + indx +       Right$(nameAtt( i ), 4)                                                                                                                                        
                                                        filename = nameAtt( i )
                                                End If
                                                actualDir = tempDirectory & "Responses\\" & filename
                                                Call object.ExtractFile(actualDir)
                                                count = count + 1                              
                                        End If
                        End If
                        If numAtt > 0 Then
                                Redim Preserve myNames(cnt+numAtt)
                                For j = 1 To numAtt
                                        myNames(cnt + j) = nameAtt( j - 1  )
                                cnt = cnt + numAtt
                        End If
                        Set currentResponse = collection.GetNextDocument( currentResponse )
                Set doc = view.GetNextDocument (doc)
        Msgbox cnt
        For i = 1 To 21 Step 1
                Msgbox myNames(i)
        Msgbox count
        Exit Sub
        Messagebox " Error line: " & Erl() & " error : " & Err() & " err() : " & Err()
End Sub