Here's a code for extracting attachments/files from documents in LN web application:
Sub Initialize
On Error Goto errhandle
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim object As NotesEmbeddedObject
Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim currentResponse As NotesDocument
Dim tempDirectory, actualDir As String
Dim nameAtt, result As Variant
Dim numAtt, count As Integer
' tempDirectory="O:\\CITC\\ECAS\\GRCE\\"
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set view = db.GetView("KBByCategory1")
numAtt = 0
cnt = 0
Dim myNames() As String
Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
While Not (doc Is Nothing)
result = Evaluate("@Attachments", doc)
nameAtt = Evaluate("@AttachmentNames", doc)
numAtt = result(0)
If numAtt > 0 Then
For i=0 To numAtt-1 Step 1
If nameAtt(0) <> "" Then
Set object = doc.GetAttachment( nameAtt( i ) )
indx = 0
flag = "no"
For k = 1 To cnt Step 1
If nameAtt( i ) = myNames( k ) Then
indx = indx + 1
flag = "yes"
End If
If flag = "yes" Then
filename = Left$(nameAtt( i ),Len(nameAtt( i ))-4) + "_" + indx + Right$(nameAtt( i ), 4)
filename = nameAtt( i )
End If
actualDir = tempDirectory & filename
Call object.ExtractFile(actualDir)
count = count + 1
End If
End If
If numAtt > 0 Then
Redim Preserve myNames(cnt+numAtt)
For j = 1 To numAtt
myNames(cnt + j) = nameAtt( j - 1 )
cnt = cnt + numAtt
End If
'------------------------------- Response ------------------
Set collection = doc.Responses
Set currentResponse = collection.GetFirstDocument
While Not ( currentResponse Is Nothing )
result = Evaluate("@Attachments", currentResponse)
nameAtt = Evaluate("@AttachmentNames", currentResponse)
numAtt = result(0)
If numAtt > 0 Then
For i=0 To numAtt-1 Step 1
If nameAtt(0) <> "" Then
Set object = currentResponse.GetAttachment( nameAtt( i ) )
indx = 0
flag = "no"
For k = 1 To cnt Step 1
If nameAtt( i ) = myNames( k ) Then
indx = indx + 1
flag = "yes"
End If
If flag = "yes" Then
filename = Left$(nameAtt( i ),Len(nameAtt( i ))-4) + "_" + indx + Right$(nameAtt( i ), 4)
filename = nameAtt( i )
End If
actualDir = tempDirectory & "Responses\\" & filename
Call object.ExtractFile(actualDir)
count = count + 1
End If
End If
If numAtt > 0 Then
Redim Preserve myNames(cnt+numAtt)
For j = 1 To numAtt
myNames(cnt + j) = nameAtt( j - 1 )
cnt = cnt + numAtt
End If
Set currentResponse = collection.GetNextDocument( currentResponse )
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument (doc)
Msgbox cnt
For i = 1 To 21 Step 1
Msgbox myNames(i)
Msgbox count
Exit Sub
Messagebox " Error line: " & Erl() & " error : " & Err() & " err() : " & Err()
End Sub
Sub Initialize
On Error Goto errhandle
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim object As NotesEmbeddedObject
Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim currentResponse As NotesDocument
Dim tempDirectory, actualDir As String
Dim nameAtt, result As Variant
Dim numAtt, count As Integer
' tempDirectory="O:\\CITC\\ECAS\\GRCE\\"
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set view = db.GetView("KBByCategory1")
numAtt = 0
cnt = 0
Dim myNames() As String
Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
While Not (doc Is Nothing)
result = Evaluate("@Attachments", doc)
nameAtt = Evaluate("@AttachmentNames", doc)
numAtt = result(0)
If numAtt > 0 Then
For i=0 To numAtt-1 Step 1
If nameAtt(0) <> "" Then
Set object = doc.GetAttachment( nameAtt( i ) )
indx = 0
flag = "no"
For k = 1 To cnt Step 1
If nameAtt( i ) = myNames( k ) Then
indx = indx + 1
flag = "yes"
End If
If flag = "yes" Then
filename = Left$(nameAtt( i ),Len(nameAtt( i ))-4) + "_" + indx + Right$(nameAtt( i ), 4)
filename = nameAtt( i )
End If
actualDir = tempDirectory & filename
Call object.ExtractFile(actualDir)
count = count + 1
End If
End If
If numAtt > 0 Then
Redim Preserve myNames(cnt+numAtt)
For j = 1 To numAtt
myNames(cnt + j) = nameAtt( j - 1 )
cnt = cnt + numAtt
End If
'------------------------------- Response ------------------
Set collection = doc.Responses
Set currentResponse = collection.GetFirstDocument
While Not ( currentResponse Is Nothing )
result = Evaluate("@Attachments", currentResponse)
nameAtt = Evaluate("@AttachmentNames", currentResponse)
numAtt = result(0)
If numAtt > 0 Then
For i=0 To numAtt-1 Step 1
If nameAtt(0) <> "" Then
Set object = currentResponse.GetAttachment( nameAtt( i ) )
indx = 0
flag = "no"
For k = 1 To cnt Step 1
If nameAtt( i ) = myNames( k ) Then
indx = indx + 1
flag = "yes"
End If
If flag = "yes" Then
filename = Left$(nameAtt( i ),Len(nameAtt( i ))-4) + "_" + indx + Right$(nameAtt( i ), 4)
filename = nameAtt( i )
End If
actualDir = tempDirectory & "Responses\\" & filename
Call object.ExtractFile(actualDir)
count = count + 1
End If
End If
If numAtt > 0 Then
Redim Preserve myNames(cnt+numAtt)
For j = 1 To numAtt
myNames(cnt + j) = nameAtt( j - 1 )
cnt = cnt + numAtt
End If
Set currentResponse = collection.GetNextDocument( currentResponse )
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument (doc)
Msgbox cnt
For i = 1 To 21 Step 1
Msgbox myNames(i)
Msgbox count
Exit Sub
Messagebox " Error line: " & Erl() & " error : " & Err() & " err() : " & Err()
End Sub
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