Importing excel sheet information into individual documents in LN client application:
Sub Initialize
Dim xlFilename As String
'xlFilename = "C:\Documents and Settings\ggouda\My Documents\EMP_WRS_DETAIL.xls"
'// This is the name of the Excel file that will be imported
xlFilename=Inputbox("Please enter path of the spreadsheet - Example: C:\Excel.xls" & Chr(10) &_
" C:\spreadsheet.xls", "File Path Inquiry Box", " enter path here ....")
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set doc = New NotesDocument(db)
Dim One As String
Dim row As Integer
Dim written As Integer
'// Connect to Excel and open the file. Start pulling over the records.
Dim Excel As Variant
Dim xlWorkbook As Variant
Dim xlSheet As Variant
Print "Connecting to Excel..."
Set Excel = CreateObject( "Excel.Application.9" )
Excel.Visible = False '// Don't display the Excel window
Print "Opening " & xlFilename & "..."
Excel.Workbooks.Open xlFilename '// Open the Excel file
Set xlWorkbook = Excel.ActiveWorkbook
Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.ActiveSheet
'// Cycle through the rows of the Excel file, pulling the data over to Notes
Goto Records
Print "Disconnecting from Excel..."
xlWorkbook.Close False '// Close the Excel file without saving (we made no changes)
Excel.Quit '// Close Excel
Set Excel = Nothing '// Free the memory
Print " " '// Clear the status line
row = 1 '// Integers intialize to zero
written = 0
Print "Starting import from Excel file..."
Do While True
With xlSheet
row = row + 1
Set view = db.GetView("Import")
Set doc = db.CreateDocument '// Create a new doc
doc.Form = "Person"
doc.Employee_ID = .Cells( row, 1 ).Value
doc.Prj_Cost_Centre= .Cells(row, 2 ).Value
doc.WRS_Number= .Cells(row, 3).Value
doc.Proj_Title = .Cells( row, 4 ).Value
doc.Project_Location = .Cells(row, 7).Value
doc.Dispatcher = .Cells( row, 8).Value
doc.Project_manager = .Cells(row, 9).Value
doc.Wk_Ending = .Cells( row, 10).Value
doc.Employee_DOJ = .Cells( row, 11).Value
doc.Employee_Name = .Cells( row, 12).Value
doc.Employee_Role = .Cells( row, 13).Value
doc.ST_Hrs = .Cells( row, 14).Value
doc.OT_Hrs = .Cells( row, 15).Value
doc.Total_Hrs = .Cells( row, 16).Value
doc.Misc_Exp = .Cells( row, 17).Value
doc.Travel = .Cells( row, 18).Value
doc.Total_Bill = .Cells( row, 19).Value
Call doc.Save( True, True ) '// Save the new doc
written = written + 1
Print Str(written)
If .Cells( row, 1 ).Value = "" Then
Goto Done
End If
End With
Messagebox "Import Complete - Total number of WRS documents imported ---> " & written
End Sub
Sub Initialize
Dim xlFilename As String
'xlFilename = "C:\Documents and Settings\ggouda\My Documents\EMP_WRS_DETAIL.xls"
'// This is the name of the Excel file that will be imported
xlFilename=Inputbox("Please enter path of the spreadsheet - Example: C:\Excel.xls" & Chr(10) &_
" C:\spreadsheet.xls", "File Path Inquiry Box", " enter path here ....")
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set doc = New NotesDocument(db)
Dim One As String
Dim row As Integer
Dim written As Integer
'// Connect to Excel and open the file. Start pulling over the records.
Dim Excel As Variant
Dim xlWorkbook As Variant
Dim xlSheet As Variant
Print "Connecting to Excel..."
Set Excel = CreateObject( "Excel.Application.9" )
Excel.Visible = False '// Don't display the Excel window
Print "Opening " & xlFilename & "..."
Excel.Workbooks.Open xlFilename '// Open the Excel file
Set xlWorkbook = Excel.ActiveWorkbook
Set xlSheet = xlWorkbook.ActiveSheet
'// Cycle through the rows of the Excel file, pulling the data over to Notes
Goto Records
Print "Disconnecting from Excel..."
xlWorkbook.Close False '// Close the Excel file without saving (we made no changes)
Excel.Quit '// Close Excel
Set Excel = Nothing '// Free the memory
Print " " '// Clear the status line
row = 1 '// Integers intialize to zero
written = 0
Print "Starting import from Excel file..."
Do While True
With xlSheet
row = row + 1
Set view = db.GetView("Import")
Set doc = db.CreateDocument '// Create a new doc
doc.Form = "Person"
doc.Employee_ID = .Cells( row, 1 ).Value
doc.Prj_Cost_Centre= .Cells(row, 2 ).Value
doc.WRS_Number= .Cells(row, 3).Value
doc.Proj_Title = .Cells( row, 4 ).Value
doc.Project_Location = .Cells(row, 7).Value
doc.Dispatcher = .Cells( row, 8).Value
doc.Project_manager = .Cells(row, 9).Value
doc.Wk_Ending = .Cells( row, 10).Value
doc.Employee_DOJ = .Cells( row, 11).Value
doc.Employee_Name = .Cells( row, 12).Value
doc.Employee_Role = .Cells( row, 13).Value
doc.ST_Hrs = .Cells( row, 14).Value
doc.OT_Hrs = .Cells( row, 15).Value
doc.Total_Hrs = .Cells( row, 16).Value
doc.Misc_Exp = .Cells( row, 17).Value
doc.Travel = .Cells( row, 18).Value
doc.Total_Bill = .Cells( row, 19).Value
Call doc.Save( True, True ) '// Save the new doc
written = written + 1
Print Str(written)
If .Cells( row, 1 ).Value = "" Then
Goto Done
End If
End With
Messagebox "Import Complete - Total number of WRS documents imported ---> " & written
End Sub
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