Sub Click(Source As Button)
Created by Gayatri Gouda on 24th Jan 2013
Please follow the comments in the code and you can customise the button to extract files
from a particular folder in your mailbox, to a particular path in your drive
On Error Goto errhandle
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim object As NotesEmbeddedObject
Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim currentResponse As NotesDocument
Dim tempDirectory, actualDir, ptempDirectory As String
Dim nameAtt, result As Variant
Dim numAtt, count, cnt, i, j, k, l, indx As Integer
Dim flag As String
Dim myNames() As String
Dim mth As String, newDir As String, pnewDir As String
Dim filename As String, fileName1 As String
Dim edate As String
'to allow users select the dialogue box
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim dirpath As Variant
Dim dirname As String
Msgbox "If there are NO files in the folder in which you want the files to be extracted, then CREATE a New Text Document.txt file in it and then select that file in the File Open Dialogue box."
dirpath = ws.OpenFileDialog( True,"Select any file from the folder in which you want the files to be extracted. NOTE: CREATE a New Text Document.txt file if there are no files in the folder.",, "C:\Users")
If Not(Isempty(dirpath)) Then
dirname = Strleftback(dirpath(0), "\") + "\"
Print "Here's the folder path in which your files are saved: " + dirname
Msgbox "No files are selected. Please select any file in the folder."
Print "No files are selected. Please select any file in the folder."
Goto theEnd
End If
Mention the custom folder of your choice in tempDirectory folder.
Make sure you give \\ to separate the folder names in the path.
This path should already have been created manually by you.
tempDirectory = dirname
This is the one you see in the message box after the files are extracted.
Here the \\ is not needed. You can mention the path name as it is.
ptempDirectory = dirname
In case you want all your files to the path you have mentioned above then
find section MakeDIR and comment it out with %rem and %endrem words
newDir = pnewDir = dirname
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set view = db.GetView("Data collection")
---- Date collection is the folder name.
Instead of the 'Data collection' folder name you can put some other folder name in " " quotes.
Make sure you put the exact folder name. Check if you have put any extra spaces.
Set view = db.GetView("Data collection")
numAtt = count = cnt = 0
Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
While Not (doc Is Nothing)
result = Evaluate("@Attachments", doc)
nameAtt = Evaluate("@AttachmentNames", doc)
numAtt = result(0)
If numAtt > 0 Then
For i=0 To numAtt-1 Step 1
If nameAtt(0) <> "" Then
Set object = doc.GetAttachment( nameAtt( i ) )
indx = 0
flag = "no"
For k = 1 To cnt Step 1
If nameAtt( i ) = myNames( k ) Then
indx = indx + 1
flag = "yes"
End If
If flag = "yes" Then
REM This is how the new file is renamed: <Actual file name _ index . extension>
filename = Strleftback(nameAtt(i), ".") + "_" + Cstr(indx) + "." + Strrightback(nameAtt(i), ".")
filename = nameAtt( i )
End If
'edate' is the date of the e-mail on which it is received
'mth' is set as <Month of the received date of e-mail><ddmmyyyy format of the received date of e-mail>
'newDir' is programatically set as the Path you created manually \ monthddmmyyyy
e.g. C:\\Gayatri\AM\Data Collection Report\January28012013
'pnewDir' is for display purpose
Checking if the folder <Monthddmmyyyy> is already created.
If yes, then it will move to the section where the files are extracted.
If no, it will try to create the folder <Monthddmmyyyy> in the Path you have mentioned in 'tempDirectory' variable
REM START section MakeDIR
edate = doc.GetFirstItem("PostedDate").DateTimeValue.DateOnly
mth = setMonth(Month(edate)) & Cstr(Format(edate, "ddmmyyyy"))
newDir = tempDirectory & mth & "\\"
pnewDir = ptempDirectory & mth & "\"
fileName1 = Dir$(tempDirectory, 16)
Do While fileName1$ <> ""
fileName1$ = Dir$()
If fileName1$ = mth Then Goto extrctFile
Mkdir newDir
REM END section MakeDIR
REM this is where the extract happens.
actualDir = newDir & filename
Call object.ExtractFile(actualDir)
count = count + 1
End If
End If
If numAtt > 0 Then
Redim Preserve myNames(cnt+numAtt)
For l = 1 To numAtt
myNames(cnt + l) = nameAtt( l - 1 )
cnt = cnt + numAtt
End If
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument (doc)
Msgbox "Total " & count & " files are extracted to the path: " & ptempDirectory
Print "Total " & count & " files are extracted to the path: " & ptempDirectory
Created by Gayatri Gouda on 24th Jan 2013
Please follow the comments in the code and you can customise the button to extract files
from a particular folder in your mailbox, to a particular path in your drive
On Error Goto errhandle
Dim session As New NotesSession
Dim db As notesdatabase
Dim view As NotesView
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim object As NotesEmbeddedObject
Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim currentResponse As NotesDocument
Dim tempDirectory, actualDir, ptempDirectory As String
Dim nameAtt, result As Variant
Dim numAtt, count, cnt, i, j, k, l, indx As Integer
Dim flag As String
Dim myNames() As String
Dim mth As String, newDir As String, pnewDir As String
Dim filename As String, fileName1 As String
Dim edate As String
'to allow users select the dialogue box
Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
Dim dirpath As Variant
Dim dirname As String
Msgbox "If there are NO files in the folder in which you want the files to be extracted, then CREATE a New Text Document.txt file in it and then select that file in the File Open Dialogue box."
dirpath = ws.OpenFileDialog( True,"Select any file from the folder in which you want the files to be extracted. NOTE: CREATE a New Text Document.txt file if there are no files in the folder.",, "C:\Users")
If Not(Isempty(dirpath)) Then
dirname = Strleftback(dirpath(0), "\") + "\"
Print "Here's the folder path in which your files are saved: " + dirname
Msgbox "No files are selected. Please select any file in the folder."
Print "No files are selected. Please select any file in the folder."
Goto theEnd
End If
Mention the custom folder of your choice in tempDirectory folder.
Make sure you give \\ to separate the folder names in the path.
This path should already have been created manually by you.
tempDirectory = dirname
This is the one you see in the message box after the files are extracted.
Here the \\ is not needed. You can mention the path name as it is.
ptempDirectory = dirname
In case you want all your files to the path you have mentioned above then
find section MakeDIR and comment it out with %rem and %endrem words
newDir = pnewDir = dirname
Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
Set view = db.GetView("Data collection")
---- Date collection is the folder name.
Instead of the 'Data collection' folder name you can put some other folder name in " " quotes.
Make sure you put the exact folder name. Check if you have put any extra spaces.
Set view = db.GetView("Data collection")
numAtt = count = cnt = 0
Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument
While Not (doc Is Nothing)
result = Evaluate("@Attachments", doc)
nameAtt = Evaluate("@AttachmentNames", doc)
numAtt = result(0)
If numAtt > 0 Then
For i=0 To numAtt-1 Step 1
If nameAtt(0) <> "" Then
Set object = doc.GetAttachment( nameAtt( i ) )
indx = 0
flag = "no"
For k = 1 To cnt Step 1
If nameAtt( i ) = myNames( k ) Then
indx = indx + 1
flag = "yes"
End If
If flag = "yes" Then
REM This is how the new file is renamed: <Actual file name _ index . extension>
filename = Strleftback(nameAtt(i), ".") + "_" + Cstr(indx) + "." + Strrightback(nameAtt(i), ".")
filename = nameAtt( i )
End If
'edate' is the date of the e-mail on which it is received
'mth' is set as <Month of the received date of e-mail><ddmmyyyy format of the received date of e-mail>
'newDir' is programatically set as the Path you created manually \ monthddmmyyyy
e.g. C:\\Gayatri\AM\Data Collection Report\January28012013
'pnewDir' is for display purpose
Checking if the folder <Monthddmmyyyy> is already created.
If yes, then it will move to the section where the files are extracted.
If no, it will try to create the folder <Monthddmmyyyy> in the Path you have mentioned in 'tempDirectory' variable
REM START section MakeDIR
edate = doc.GetFirstItem("PostedDate").DateTimeValue.DateOnly
mth = setMonth(Month(edate)) & Cstr(Format(edate, "ddmmyyyy"))
newDir = tempDirectory & mth & "\\"
pnewDir = ptempDirectory & mth & "\"
fileName1 = Dir$(tempDirectory, 16)
Do While fileName1$ <> ""
fileName1$ = Dir$()
If fileName1$ = mth Then Goto extrctFile
Mkdir newDir
REM END section MakeDIR
REM this is where the extract happens.
actualDir = newDir & filename
Call object.ExtractFile(actualDir)
count = count + 1
End If
End If
If numAtt > 0 Then
Redim Preserve myNames(cnt+numAtt)
For l = 1 To numAtt
myNames(cnt + l) = nameAtt( l - 1 )
cnt = cnt + numAtt
End If
Set doc = view.GetNextDocument (doc)
Msgbox "Total " & count & " files are extracted to the path: " & ptempDirectory
Print "Total " & count & " files are extracted to the path: " & ptempDirectory
Exit Sub
Messagebox " Error line: " & Erl() & " error number : " & Err() & " description : " & Error$ & "."
Goto theEnd
End Sub
Function setMonth(mth As Integer) As String Dim mth1 As String
Select Case mth
Case 1 : mth1 = "January"
Case 2 : mth1 = "February"
Case 3 : mth1 = "March"
Case 4 : mth1 = "April"
Case 5 : mth1 = "May"
Case 6 : mth1 = "June"
Case 7 : mth1 = "July"
Case 8 : mth1 = "August"
Case 9 : mth1 = "September"
Case 10 : mth1 = "October"
Case 11 : mth1 = "November"
Case 12 : mth1 = "December"
Case Else : mth1 = "Others"
End Select
setMonth = mth1
End Function
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