Notes of my Lotus Notes Headline Animator

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Friday, December 21, 2012

Notes document to Excel sheet - Exporting data - client form

Code for exporting data from notes documents to an excel sheet:

Sub Initialize
 Dim ws As New Notesuiworkspace
 Dim session As New NotesSession
 Dim view As NotesView
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim doc As notesdocument
 Dim psno,mth,yr,filename As String

 Set db=session.CurrentDatabase
 Set view = db.GetView( "Vashi_emp" )
 Set doc = view.GetFirstDocument

 CreateExcelObject = True
 Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
 If xlApp Is Nothing Then
  sMessage = "Could not create spreadsheet." & Chr$( 10 ) & _
  "Make sure Excel is installed on this computer."
  Msgbox sMessage, 16, "Creation of Spreadsheet Object Failed"
  CreateExcelObject = False

 End If
 xlApp.DisplayAlerts = False
 Set xlworkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
 Set xlSheet=xlworkbook.ActiveSheet

 xlapp.visible = True
 Title = " Attendance Report"
 col = 1

 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 Print row
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 Print col
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"
 xlapp.selection.Font.Name="Arial Black"
 xlapp.selection.Font.size ="10"

 grow  = row+3
 Print grow
 row = grow
 col = 1

 While Not ( doc Is Nothing )

  Dim currentProduct As Variant
  For  i=0 To 8
   currentProduct = doc.ColumnValues( i )
  Set doc = view.GetNextDocument( doc )

End Sub

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